1.1 These terms and conditions ("Terms and Conditions") govern the terms under which you may access and use the website (and for the purpose of these Terms and Conditions “website” will include our software) (where applicable) and the services associated with it (together, the "Service"). By accessing, registering with and using the Service, you agree to be bound by the terms of the Terms and Conditions. If you do not wish to be bound by the Terms and Conditions do not access, register with or use the Service. The language of these Terms and Conditions is English and all Services, instructions and transactions carried out in connection with it shall be in English.


  1. Software Operator – Bills Bell with its registered company in Kigali-Rwanda, Hold official trading certificate or Registre de commerce offered by Rwanda Development Board RDB; Bills Bell logo is a registered trademark in the department of Intellectual property.
  2. Software - system available on the Internet at the following main address https://app.billsbell.com, which enables access to the Services;
  3. Website - an internet website placed in the Internet at the following main address https://billsbell.com , its language versions and all its subpages;
  4. Service - service rendered within the Software;
  5. Account Reports – Reports and documents offered via the Software: VAT Sales Records, VAT Purchase Records
  6. User - an entity having at least limited capacity to make legal acts, which visits the Website or makes an order under the Contract conditions, in line with which the Parties will be obliged to services arising out of or in connection with the Contract;
  7. Contract - a contract to provide services in a continuous manner, settled periodically in a renewable Accounting Periods;
  8. Subscription - a fee paid by a User for Services provided by the Bills Bell Software Operator in a particular Period;
  9. Subscription Plan - a package of available functions provided by the Bills Bell Software Operator within the Service chosen by the User
  10. Accounting Period - a period of one year or any other period of settling Services provided within the subscription;
  11. Price List - current Price List available at the following address https://billsbell.com/pricing, which includes a list of available, offered Services and their prices;
  12. Regulation – Data Regulation and Law Nº 058/2021 of 13/10/2021 LAW Nº 058/2021 OF 13/10/2021 Relating To The Protection Of Personal Data And Privacy


  1. In order to conclude a Contract to provide Services, it is necessary to register in the Software and open an individual User account
  2. The User can open an account by using the „Open an account” function, available at the Service website.
  3. By opening an account, the User accepts conditions of the Rules and Regulations.
  4. The Moment of registration, which consists of giving the User's e-mail address, password and pressing the „Register” button, is deemed by the Software Operator that the User accepts an offer presented at the following web page https://billsbell.com/pricing and deems to be the moment of concluding by the Parties a Contract to provide services set forth in the Rules and Regulation.
  5. At the registration, the User is obliged to provide a correct e-mail address that enables sending a link to activate the account.
  6. The User is obliged to verify correctness of the e-mail address given at the registration process. In case the verification was not performed within the period of fourteen (14) days from the registration day, the Software Operator reserves the right to limit the account's functionality until correctness of the e-mail is verified.


  1. User may use the free of charge version of the Service, set in the Pricing List under the name Free.
  2. Time limit of using the Free version is six months.
  3. Using the Free Subscription Plan is limited as specified on pricing page https://billsbell.com/pricing, according to the limits set on the Pricing page of website https://billsbell.com/pricing.
  4. Documents are aggregated at the moment of saving it, deletion of documents issued in the Service in the Free Subscription Plan does not renew the limit of documents set forth in the Price List.
  5. Number of documents limited by the monthly Free Subscription Plan, which were not used in a particular month, do not aggregate.
  6. Month shall mean a calendar month.
  7. User may at any moment change the Subscription Plan from the Free one, into a freely chosen paid plan.


  1. VAT invoice shall be issued after the User pays the fee, the invoice shall include details set forth by the User in the payment form at the moment of making the payment.
  2. Should the purchaser details given by the User to issue a VAT invoice be incorrect, the User is obliged to provide the Software Operator with an accounting note.
  3. The VAT invoice sent to the User e-mail address (account owner) is deemed to be delivered at the moment the User's e-mail server accepted the message including the VAT invoice.
  4. Possible additional costs charged for services rendered for the benefit of third parties, especially connected with the payment execution, are vested by the User.
  5. The payment day shall mean the day, the amount of money was credited on the Software Operator's bank account.
  6. Removal of the footer "Generated via billsbell.com" is free from basic account of user of the chosen paid Subscription Plan. Should no paid removal of the footer be used, the footer constitutes an integral element of the Service. Removal of the footer does not apply to Users who take advantage of the Free Service version and accounts active within Accounting Office Module.
  7. The Software Operator reserves the right to introduce changes to the Price list.


  1. The Contract between the Software Operator and the User is concluded at the moment of opening the account in the Software and lasts until the moment of its termination, also at the moment a Subscription Plan has been changed. No need to make separate declarations by the Parties is necessary.
  2. Contract to provide services may be terminated by the User in a written form at any time, without giving reason thereof.
  3. Contract to provide services may be terminated without notice by the Software Operator in the following cases:
    1. A User substantially violated provisions of the Contract;
    2. The User acted in a way harmful to the Software Operator, other Service Users or the Internet web;
    3. The User used the account in the Service contrary to its purpose and scope of the functions which are offered by the Subscription Plan chosen and paid by him;
    4. The User acted inconsistent with the law or performed actions threatening safety of the data kept in the Service.
  4. No reimbursement of fee is applicable to the User in situations of termination of contract.
  5. Only the User who is an owner of an account can remove the account in the Software. In order to remove the account, one needs to use the „Remove account” function. After using the function, owner of the account is obliged to confirm the decision to remove the account by using the „Confirm removal of the account” function. Upon confirmation of the account removal, it will be deactivated for the period of seven (7) days. Within this period the Service functions will be blocked. The account owner reserves the right to return the account functionality within the period of seven (7) days, counting from the day of its deactivation. In order to reactivate the account, the owner is obliged to use the link sent to him in an e-mail by the Software Operator„ Reactivate the account”, accessible after logging into the account. No User name, neither the unique password is changed within the deactivation period. Should the possibility to reactivate the account be not used by the account owner upon the lapse of seven (7) days, the account is automatically removed with no possibility to recover the data saved on the account.
    The Software Operator does not bear responsibility for possible loss of data caused by removal of the User's account.


  1. The Account Reports are made accessible to the User, according to his Subscription Plan. Access to the Account Reports in each Subscription Plan is regulated by the Price List.
  2. The scope of data processed by the Account Reports depends on the functions activated by the User within his Subscription Plan.
  3. The Account Reports constitute a demonstrative report and the presented calculations are based on the data entered by the User into the system.
  4. Correctness of the data entered into the Service is the User's responsibility.


In order to secure correct operation of the Software, one needs access to the Internet and an Internet browser, such as IE, Firefox, Opera, Chrome or Safari, with recommendation that the versions are the most up to date and stable ones.


  1. Service Update is made accessible to the Users free of charge.
  2. The Software Operator makes the new functions available to all or chosen Subscription Plans.
  3. Service Updates may implement changes to function of the Software. Information on important changes will be sent by e-mail, in a newsletter, on subpage “Knowledge Base” or on the „BLOG” subpage, where new Service functions are described.
  4. It is the User's responsibility to make sure the currently issued documents and generated Reports are correct.
  5. Suggestions concerning new updates and functions, a User may share on email sent to support@billsbell.com
  6. Service Updates will be implemented according the objectives of the Software set by the Software Operator, the Software designation and its planned development.


  1. The Service is accessible to the Users 24 hours. The Software Operator reserves the right for short breaks, resulting from periodical maintenance works run on the Service or caused by fortuitous events.
  2. The Software Operator obliges itself to remove, without unnecessary delay, all mistakes and failures that make using the Software impossible or difficult. Should a reported mistake or failure be not removed within the period exceeding seven (7) days, the User may terminate the contract with immediate effect.
  3. By using the Software, the User agrees to receive invoice from the Software Operator by e-mail.
  4. The Software Operator enables the User sending invoices in an electronic way.
  5. The User obliges itself to take advantage from the Services in a way that does not infringe rights of third parties (personality rights, intellectual property rights), norms and legal rights.
  6. The User is the owner of all the content entered with the usage of the Service into Software or Website and the Software Operator does not bears any responsibility for it. All responsibility, resulting out of the legal rights, with regards to content published by the User, is vested by the User.
  7. In case a notice on illegal character of the data placed in the Software by the User, the Software Operator has the right to prevent access to the User's data. In such a case, the User is informed about blockage of the account.
  8. The Software Operator reserves the right to remove certain content entered by the User into the Website or its subpage.
  9. The Software Operator does not bear responsibility arising out of or in connection with:
    1. Breaks in providing the Service or unavailability of the Software for reasons not due to the Software Operator or resulting out of events which could not be foreseen by the Software Operator;
    2. Incorrect operation of the Software not resulting from the Software Operator's fault, for example errors of the telecommunication network;
    3. Access do the User's account by unauthorised persons;
    4. Ignorance or non-observance of the Rules and Regulations by the User;
    5. Dangers connected with using network: hacker attacks, infecting system by viruses or similar events.


The entity responsible for personal data process: Bills Bell ltd


Bills Bell


  1. The Software Operator reserves the right to introduce changes to the Rules and Regulations. The Users will be informed on each change to the Rules and Regulations.
  2. Provisions of the document enters into force on 06 July 2022 and alternates all previous written or oral arrangements, agreements and contracts concluded within the scope concerning personal data processing between the Software Operator and the User, which cease to have effect.

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