In order to switch to a paid plan, simply go to Settings > Account Settings and click the Pay button in the upper part of the screen. The system will guide you through each step of the payment process.

There is no difference between monthly and yearly billing except the time period. It’s up to you to choose your subscription period.

We accept PayPal, all major credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, American Express) and MTN Mobile money for MTN users

You can change your plan directly from the account settings menu. To do so, log into Billsbell and go to Settings > Account Settings > Your Account and click the Pay button. You will be able to select your new plan on the following screen.

You can cancel your account anytime. In order to do this, contact our consumer support team at Please include your API authorization code in your email. You can find your API authorization code by going to Settings > Account Settings > Integrations > API Authorization Code.

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